Free, real-time seizure first aid to support someone having a seizure. Download this easy-to-use app to record seizure duration, determine seizure type and know how to respond to someone having a seizure. People with epilepsy can ask friends, family and others to download this tool to provide first aid in the event of a seizure. Soccer coaches or teachers of kids with epilepsy, colleagues or senior caregivers for adults with epilepsy and more should download this app to respond appropriately to a seizure. One in 10 people will have a seizure in their lifetime, and 1 in 26 will develop epilepsy. Knowing how to respond is critical, and people with epilepsy deserve to feel safe and supported if a seizure occurs.
App Features include:
Step-by-step seizure first aid to ensure the safety of someone having a seizure, quickly administer real-time aid and know when to call 911 (if needed).
Timer function to determine seizure duration; if a seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes, call 911!
Informational videos showing different seizure types
Quick access to 24/7 Helpline (in English & en Espanol) and 911